Saturday, December 27, 2008

The World Ending

Ok people, I would also like to hear; do you think this whole "Doomsday" theory can be avoided? For those of you that believe something will happen, do you think we can stop it by being more eco-friendly or something? If you want to know more about this whole "End of the World" theory, I found an interesting website that talks about what will happen.

Also, on Yahoo! Answers, this question is brought up, and there are many answers for you to read about.

(I didn not answer this question)

1 comment:

  1. (this is the yahoo person, haha)

    I think that no one will know when the world is going to end, theres no way to know. They had lots of theories awhile back, they said it would end sometime in the 40s, then they said it was going to end in 1999, and it never did. So i dont pay them any attention.

    ps. my blog is

    it's a secret to everyone that knows me, but since you don't, its okay
