Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's Summer!!! ish...

Wow, I haven't posted in a long time AGAIN! I just keep getting lazier and lazier with this, don't I? Well, it's a very nice day outside && I'm quite happy about that. My window is wide open and the wind is rushing through my room quite nicely. Well, I guess I can pretty much tell you ppl that aren't there my life in 7th grade so far. Actually, I won't. It's kinda very complicated && I just don't have that kind of time... So, ya, we have lotsa homework, ugh, that's why I haven't written in ages. So, yup. The website of the post is:


What does Gmail have to do with this post? Absolutely nothing. I just need to put a wesite. Gmail is like Yahoo! or Hotmail or MSN, but you chat on it and have all sorts of settings on it. So, yup. It's become popular for my school, maybe it's the same for you too.

-S. R.

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